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Volume 2 Number 2 • Fall - Winter 2010-2011

Ryan Sharp

I Would Have Written to You Earlier

I would have written to you earlier but the dreams have stopped.
In the dreams
you were riding a bicycle,
and I was riding a bicycle,
and you were carrying flowers,
and our spit did not taste like iron,
and we did not judge the dusk's wrinkled face.
The trees stood upright
and the grass erect, and there were no birds
slumping inside their wet feathers.
We all carried on as though the sun would stick.
You were not conscious of the waking moment crawling
up the dry river bed,
but I could sense it seeping into my dreamy white bones.

Ryan Sharp is an MFA candidate at Pacific University and teaches high school English at a charter school outside of Portland, OR.  His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Legendary, dirtcakes, and Magma.

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