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Louis Murphy

Inside Each Possible

it cannot talk I mean speak what final hurt to others fire is loss to grievous grievous grief is not anything we know it speaks the present lie grief flames in wood while we are given to the other end of life wood burned all ends unreal into Flatland

I she will remember the fuzzy end of the lined face if lucky the thread and ash will come like life spun thin and thin ash all like thread

grief is not held unless to hate and hated no not long this thread none and all we see it sizzling in science combinations breaking all moments how is science my memory memory memory

of that smile gone ash after all that is how we can love in a pile to a pile to very little but goodness


from the dark star sequence

Louis Murphy considers discomfort to be as inspiring as any other state of mind or living. It is often his own inability to deal with discomfort that causes him to question and question and then attempt and explain the versions of reinventions he lives through while also remaining so many versions of their pasts.

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