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Donald Levering

On Balance

On one scale Anubis places a blue whale’s newly stilled heart

on the other a fledgling tanager’s falling feather

The chief torturer in the garden gestures

A butterfly lights on his elbow

Muddy water in the hole for the new skyscraper

A decade later the kestrel’s nest on the sill at the 64th floor

Mid-air mating of hummingbirds above

a humvee idling in a superstore lot

Cookfire water in a bucket hauled from the well

Chlorine fumes wafting from a swimming pool

A million children with matchstick limbs

Mass production of oversized pants

Prayer flags flapping

in a refugee camp

Donald Levering's 12th poetry book, The Water Leveling With Us, was published in 2014 by Red Mountain Press. Donald is a past NEA Fellow in Poetry and was a Runner-Up for the Georgetown Review Award and Janet B. McCabe Award Finalist in 2013. He has been a Duende Series Reader and was a Guest Poet in the Academy of American Poets online Forum. More information is available at

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