Chloe Clark
People Who Wave in Pictures
Where the liars drink water
from the beds of stones
who sleep like rocks
and wash their hands
in gold-flecked vats
of ocean water and vinegar
The place staked out and apart
from the city and the shore
and the girls
all cried into their sand-filled
pillows that held the shape
of their lovers’ dreams
longer than they ever held
their lovers
And finally when the water
came it drowned
the skeletons struck
under the graveyard dirt
and it washed clean
the dates from stones
until the place looked
new, new
as the pond after the drought
Chloe N. Clark is a MFA candidate. Her work has appeared such places as Prick of the Spindle, Rosebud, and Fogged Clarity. Her motto is “Always keep your bakeries on speed-dial.” Follow her on Twitter @PintsNCupcakes.