- Audience: We collect no personal information about who visits our site. While some third-party resources we use (e.g. wordpress, google analytics) may gather or make available usage data, we do not need to know any more about our readers than you care to tell us via your social media posts or email.
- Authors: If you submit work to us we need a way to contact you, usually an email address. We do not share your name, email address or other personally identifiable information with anyone outside of our team of editors. For authors whose work we accept we retain your contact information solely for the purpose of contacting you about your writing or our publication. We do not share anyone’s email or other contact information without specifically requesting and receiving your consent.
Should we choose not to publish your work, we will not share your personal information and will delete unpublished submissions and related correspondence in due course, or sooner if specifically requested.
Information provided in an author’s submission that we publish online includes your name as you provide it to us and any such facts you choose to put in your bio, such as where you live, what you do for work, your pets, your personal website or blog, and other such items of interest. It is understood that such information is intended to be publicly shared.
Our website address is: http://lonnmore.net/sleet.