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R. Gerry Fabian

The Shedding

A flute plays
that soft song
in the distance
as the day
hangs its head.

Dusk slips in
like snatches of sleep    within a dream.

A silver moon
jabs into the sky.

I reach down
to pick up
the glove-like skin
where you left it
on the pavement
in front of the cathedral.

No one wants to be
the first to say it
so I shove what’s left
inside my pocket
and go home
empty handed.

R. Gerry Fabian is a retired English instructor. He has been publishing poetry since 1972 in various poetry magazines. His web page is He is the editor of Raw Dog Press His novels, Memphis Masquerade, Getting Lucky (The Story) and published poetry book, Parallels is available at Smashwords and all other ebook stores.

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