Alice Duggan
Visiting a Friend: A Frightened Alphabet
E is
for Edge. At the Edge of
sleep I think of
your G
for Generosity. I dream
under the blanket
you K
for Knit. Outside clouds are
gray trees are
bare, F is
for Friends nearby. I wake
myself with my S
for Snore. W
for Words we share, Wine
we drink. R
for Revive and
Release the H
for Hope now
that hope is I,
Poems by Alice Duggan have appeared in Sleet Magazine, Water~Stone Review, Tar River Poetry, Alaska Quarterly Review, Poetry East, Nimrod, Sugar House, SAND, Poet Lore and elsewhere; also in a chapbook, , and an anthology, Home, from Holy Cow! Press. She’s interested in dailiness, in colloquial speech, the rhythm of voices; in telling stories.