Conor Barnes
You Believe Several Things
You believe several things about yourself, but if put to the test, you’d be surprised how much is wrong. You know you aren’t a saint but you suspect you’re better than most. You forgive others easily so that they will forgive you easily.
If you were told in a dream that you could know if you’re going to heaven or hell, you would be afraid. But before you woke up, you would ask.
Here’s what would happen next: an angel would descend and you would very politely ask him to tell you. He would ask for your self-evaluation first. The light of heaven would be pouring from behind him. He would be fatherly and near-omniscient and you would have the slightest hint of the majesty of his god. And yet you would still bend the truth on your self-evaluation. And before you lifted the pen, you would forget you had fibbed. And when the angel told you you were going to hell, you would forget the dream.